Love is no thief

Binah - Emanation of Knowledge. Painting from the Angelarium Series by Peter Mohrbacher.

Binah - Emanation of Knowledge. Painting from the Angelarium Series by Peter Mohrbacher.

Love is no Thief
but will rob you of all the knowledge you thought you possessed;
steal your heart and open doors to greatness you previously repressed.
Love is no Miser
but will bring you to your knees in grief;
only to reveal that sacred moment when it lifts your chin to the light of remembering.
Love is no Manipulator
but will change your being into something completely different;
and somehow gift you the world by taking everything with it.
Love is no Trickster
but will unveil the mystic magic of many moons when kisses burn warm like embers
and as a jester will heal all wounds with the simplicity of laughter.
Love is no Mistress
but a brave master over the stiffness of an enslaving brain
whipping thoughts into shape with it's purity of aim to help us see through our confusing ways.
Love is no Addict
but will hook you by the lip like a fish
with its purity lure you in until you crave completeness
Love is no Rock
but through the changes of days is the only constant that never stops
a solid foundation found in spirit that cannot be contained or caught.
Love is no Vagabond
and yet will take you down winding roads that may seem wrong
but were well orchestrated for your maturation all along.
Love is no Beggar
but asks for ever so much of you to be tested
relentless with lessons that leave you craving the truest testament, for humanity and what it is destined.
Love is no Liar
but will twist you up inside until all that is right is illuminated in your eyes
& truth has no choice but to shine like diamond spires forged from the fire of your perceived demise.
Love is no Fighter
but will rip you arm to arm in the shredding of your might
so that you may know vulnerability and surrender to the innocence and wisdom that defines this life.
Love is no Accuser
but will use harsh methods to assist you in realizing when you're abused
then unveil the true depth and merit of your value.
Love is no Janitor
but will bathe you in tears that you may be washed of self harm and the storms of others
will create a mess then help you cleanse and tuck you under covers.
Love is no Controller
but will own your soul and make you want to be better at singing the songs of your endeavors
like a divine puppeteer pulling strings to guide you toward becoming a deft creator.
Love is no Schemer
but conspires to ignite in you a fever
that will lead you to emerge renewed, as believer and dreamer.
Love is no Reaper
but will take all that you cherish and burn it like paper
so that you may know pain and possess respect for the destruction and creation that is our maker.
Love is no Forgetter
But will shred any memories that tether you to a fretting mind defined by past times instead of passing time
and better yet, mold your life until it resembles the refinement of stillness and silence from an inner guide.
Love is no Oppressor
but will weigh heavy in our heads and hearts every moment we deny ourselves what we are worth
until someday we feel the lightness in our arms when we hug each other in rebirth.
Love is no Martyr
but will bleed willingly at your feet to give you the energy to walk farther;
break itself a part to give you a piece of the wisdom it needed to impart and illuminate those sides of yourself that are darker.
Love is no Pretender
but sneaks up to us in mysterious disguises
trying to shine light in those places we are blinded.
Love is no Defender
but stands firmly in the doorway until you are ready to enter
guarded gates with crystal wings that beat wind into your eyes until you see the center.
Love is no Punisher
but gifts to us that which we deserve based on what we project unto her
a mirror that shows us to ourselves ever clearer, and without falter.

© Copyright 2014

What is a man

What is a man if he can’t stand at the mouth of his creation
and face what he’s destined to be makin'?
And what is a man who wastes his days
on video games instead of chasing what he knows
to be right in place with what he needs for growth?
And what is a man who can’t own up to those emotions
that choke the ego and lay blows to his confidence?
Just, roll with the punches instead of throwing holes into women….
So, what is a man unless he values his independence
without forfeiting commitments?
Is intuitive in relationships
Cherishes himself and all that is…
What is a man unless he breaks and rebuilds after the storm hits?
Brought to his knees but then rises back up again
Headstrong, Humbled and Determined…
What is a man if he can’t stand in the face of so much sickness
and choose a healthy perspective?
Accept and use the lessons in darkness
as tools for development no matter how hard it is...
And what is a man who can’t stand because he can’t stand himself?
Leaves his dreams on a shelf collecting dust instead of wealth
Smells the bait but lets the chase get the best of him,
Falling prey instead of using the momentum to move in a direction.
And what is a man who feels empty handed
when his heart holds wisdom greater than planets?
Can’t analyze his mistakes to gain some understandin
and just blames the world for the mess that he’s standin' in.
What is a man lest he walks through pain with grace?
Owns up to his part in the creation of the play
removes his mask to see in new ways
and focuses on making greater change with each coming day.
What is a man who can’t hear the temple bells
when they’re blessin' him with messages?
Sells himself short, smells thorns instead roses
and won't follow the motion where flow is beckoning him.
What is a man who can’t swallow enough pride to find
that all he yearns to own in this life
will never amount to more than the inner light that glows behind
the surface of a fighting mind?
What is a man lest he defines his self worth
and gives birth to a new universe of personal illumination?
When every moment is church
uncover those creations that no longer serve
and have the courage to let em’ all burn
instead of stayin’ in a cycle that turns until
all you covet leaves without return.
What is a man lest he pick up a shovel?
Uncover shadowed potential
and bury that egotistical prick
who held him back from tuning in to the spirit intrinsic;
below the surface of the shit he’s covered in.
What is a man lest he sees that he is his only enemy?
In that case also a savior with the remedy;
Is his own healer and maker of great destinies.
Who is this man, that lay hidden in so many?

© Copyright 2014

“The Hole Inside of Me” by Ryohei Hase

“The Hole Inside of Me” by Ryohei Hase

“Anatomical Worlds” by Michele Parliament

“Anatomical Worlds” by Michele Parliament


When love guts you like a fish, leaves you blindsided and raw; when you are trembling with meekness and overwhelmed by vastness; when you have given all of yourself to fall at the feet of beauty; when there is nothing left but everything still burns inside of you; when you are able to be taken by the fire, enraptured in the heat of skin and desire and energy and emptiness; When you bleed willingly for the benefit of your souls' molting....then my friend, then you will know Love.

© Copyright 2013

when you return

And - in a flash - it all becomes so vivid.
The chaotic screams from demons
that created all that static
Dissipate - into silence…
It all intuitively SNAPS - into alignment.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been gone child,
Do not allow yourself to be heavy laden with guilt for relapse and repose,
For every soul when it stares into the glory of Gods wholeness,
has the right to take a step back and say ‘no’ to enmeshing fully with glowing purpose.
Its sympathies aware that all you longed for was a respite,
and forgives you for retreating thinking you’d get it.
Dens of snakes disguised as relief sink their teeth and tentacles into every fabric of your being -
Until defeated you scream out in darkness to leave these sorrowful ghosts and return home to the catharsis of your knowing.
It sees how hard it is…
- But -
It is a bright new morning.
Rise with the birds as they sing and bring a crisp comfort to all that is your weeping.
What once was stuck and stagnant
now stands determinately asking.
No longer clawing out and grasping for comfort in bleakness
but burning with self-contained assuredness.
The wings of awareness beat their wings about your head and strike clarity into your eyes. Feathers fly.
Like a magnifying glass honing your focus it hovers over your mind and giddily asks:
“Is it finally time you grace Divinity again with your kindly presence?!”
Your Guides rejoice and cry out with exuberance, “Alas this child has returned to creation and is determined to embark upon making manifest the pertinence of its work so holy and needed!”.
It does not belittle you because so many moons before, your cheek was turned.
It never kept score and is not a parent here to scold or threaten you for needing more rest from its endlessness.
Red rugs are rolled out and cushions set, tea is poured and you are met
with softness and warmth that wasn’t there before - when you left it’s magic for the dullness and poorness of absent-mindedness.
If you should leave again the Gods would lament, but never judge or shame.
For you are not lowly, you are not pathetic or lame.
There is a greatness in you being stoked to grow.
Your body is a wick,
being used to channel sacred flame while all the potential of life still remains awake in you.
A path will be lain, walk it unafraid.
Lion-hearted and golden go unto that bright sun and tell everyone, of the love you have stumbled upon.



Alphonse Mucha

Bleeding knees turning into soaring wings that cast shadows of strength over the shadows of memories. Just as I have been crippled and weakened so shall I know a deepening; like a sieve that strains pain through chainmail of light...allowing only the divine to enter my life as I fight desire and misfortune and the blindness of my own tortured misguiding. Striving only to understand this inherent ability to find balance and cast magic from these hands as they carry a torch through the forest of mans’ false fortresses. I am not a pile of pieces, I am not broken: I am whole and hungry...and determined.
— Ciara Blossom © Copyright 2014
“Reflexiones” by Ignacio Rivas

“Reflexiones” by Ignacio Rivas


cursed & blessed

Come on baby, bring your sexy body to me
climb me like a tree...
find the secret houses shrouded by leaves.
Pull back the branches to reveal the mystery.
Grounded at the roots
and tucked above the canopy shelf
resides my highest self...
softly suspended as a pearl in it's shell.
The fulness of my foliage unfolds only for those
unmoved or shaken by their upward climb
into the heart of my making...
Sit in these limbs and cling to their sway
I'll tell you a story
before I'm left in your wake;
for we both know it can't always be this way.
Cursed and blessed are the men who scale me.
You can be inside me,
find and reach my heights...
but while I am grounded here
you must walk the night.
For I have roots but your legs to move...
Dance with the forest.
Find Dirt & Earth & Truth...
and as the mystic morning sheds its first rays of light
may it remind you to plant seeds at my feet
sweet soldier
that will keep me company in the absence
of your kind eyes.
And as the fire jewel sun sets to shine again as a new dawn,
stay strong
and remember that I'll be the great Cypress tree blossoming right where you left me.
Many bright skies may rise and fall in your life
though our love will rest eternally entwined...
for my roots wrapped spirals around your veins
and with your strength
you healed the pain and broken branches
with binding ropes and ravaging romances.
My trunk grew new rings
from the songs you made my body sing.
Passion carved our initials into this tree
while we weren't looking.
As we made love the day ran away from us...
and we are left naked, with everything and nothing.
Come on baby, bring your sexy body to me...
I'll lay you down like praying knees
and show you how much you mean to me.
Kiss me now in this burning moment
because someday I'll be paper for poems
and cigarettes for the homeless...
cut, singed and used
until all that remains of this bark body
and these swaying leaves
are the seeds from memories
that you planted at my feet.

© Copyright 2014



When the reality of what we've created washes over our faces like a tidal wave that carries us out to sea…
helplessly flailing with no trace of pity from anyone surrounding…
coulda spent all that time building a boat
for others to float with us upon this emotional ocean
but instead focused on selfish sand castles
and are left choking up a creek without a paddle.
The driftwood lays scattered across the shore
as we look back and think about how we could have done more…
But all we can do is surrender to the lessons and REMEMBER:
what it was that snuffed the ember
~of our pure spirit~
left us here naked, quivering in front of it
at the mercy of the greatest liquid mirror;
Asking us to see into ourselves clearer.
The shards of our reflection are bits & pieces of our weaknesses.
All the ugly parts cutting us open until filleted like fishes
stripped and discarded;
until vulnerable enough for wisdom to be imparted.
Embrace the darkness of the lonely ocean we float upon
and realize that it was us creating this all along.
Find our power in the most painful hours
and let forgiveness shower over our crowns
in a fountain of mercy,
that we may see
the error of these ways and the coming of new days…
Because if our knees have known the ground
so shall our being greet the sky...
Let humility and guilt learn us wise
until there is no other option left
but to open our eyes.

© Copyright 2014

wings of words

Resting on the wings of words and the schemes of rhyme dripping into lines that bleed from my fingers like gasoline...igniting each incantation as a symbol of release; completion. Immensely lost and somehow still whole, I simultaneously hide and emerge, rewind and burst forth, though swallowed; spit out. Through shouting I find silence, by squirming I become still, and in resistance I learn allowing...rounding out the edges and sculpting the hedges, relentless refinement toward courageous alignment. This is the ever unfolding process that I contend with...the beckoning that never quits whispering, wishing that soon I'll be attending more to the subtlety beneath these things that obscure my lens and leave me blue...Resting on the wings of words because they speak more truth to me than I have spoken them... Tonight I keep myself company in the vast rooms found through the corridors of my minds fortress, forever uncharted and giving bloom to new universes of interpretation: Aerial Perspective; beyond threats of deception...and strength uninfluenced by temptation. Resurrection resides beyond the confines of my eyes because sometimes blind faith is the only way to see, and control is obtained by being taken. Stained and shaken I am rattled and awakened...reassembled from broken shackles and above this risen, new again, with fresh perspective....all awe and shift: sweet gift for which I am gracious. When there is nothing left, accept to give thanks, amen.

© Copyright 2014


“What it takes to Fly” by Yuumei


Scattered bits of ego
like shattered glass
lie broken about our room
& like onions we bloom
until the rawness of love
peels our plume.
I am naked with you...
fragile, unwound
bound no longer by masks of hidden passion.
I lash out and do heated things
without reason
but darlin'
you've got me believin'
that this mess
of what we used to be
has been shed
to transgress the emptiness
of the relationshiT
we were walkin' in.
Stripped of the illusion
our vulnerable love quivers
in the spacious presence of itself,
and what seemed to be a Hell
bursts forth a sanctuary of inclusion
for those who put the work in.
I rest in the temple of your love
where once my fire was smothered
a phoenix now has risen
& above the pain of transformation
I met you there.
We have been given new eyes
fresh insight
and renewed desire to fly.
My darling I will meet your heights
for it was me who walked beside you before we had wings.
It's time to sing a freedom song
and release the bootstraps
that couldn't pull us up all along.
Boundless as the dawn
our souls entwine through this lifetime
& beyond.
Whisper words of strength,
surrender to the lessons
and meet me in the golden fortress
our intentions created.
There, in the house of our Holy unfolding
a cReaTioNsHip awaits.
Leave your shame and walk the hallways
of our illumination.
Above this brokenness we will have risen
and the prisons of our bodes will become the gifts
that they were intended when given.
This path we walk
these shoes we've lived in
can be left at the fence
because we are bare-footed
and trusting in the strength of our roots
giving bloom
to a new universe of affection
we are paying attention
and were meant to entangle
our physical sensations.
Go now be strong,
be brave enough to accept
that you are not defeated
but redeemed.
Without this suffering
we could not see
all the glory that was sleep-walking
in our dreams.
Go now, be lucid, be tranquil,
I am thankful
and know that all will unravel
in the way it was meant to.
I love you,
my slinky alley cat
my stubborn Ram,
my alien man.
Come back to me I'll be waiting
with eager hands
and open understanding
I am willing to meet you again
in the fields beyond our grief
under a banyan tree
at peace
with all that had to happen
so that together forever
we could be.

© Copyright 2014